Tuesday 29 May 2007

Blog 12 The Grande Finale

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls and all those who don't fit into the previously mentioned categories.

This is the final work related blog for semester 1 of my 3rd year of university.

I hope you have enjoyed it or at least not hated it.

I like the feed back on my final project, heck I just liked the final project.

Without any actual work to do until next semester aside form finishing this blog off I'll be doing a great many other things like glowing in the dark and playing with the digital camera.

Note to self: take photos of textures over the break. Look into light wave.

I guess I'll try and do some thinking in 3D too or maybe even 4D with real time being the extra dimension, well I hope time has to do with the assortment of dimensions.

Plan B through to Plan L is adding extra things in a just saying they are an extra dimension by them selves, like peppermint and bikini models and spores.

Take care and enjoy yourself world

And remember I support mould because it is the only culture some people get.

Sunday 27 May 2007

Blog 11.1 As predicted

Today's update is just to say I went back and did something I was meant to do such a terribly long time ago.

Correct my frequent spelling errors, stuff ups, keyboard mashing and anything else I did to get the spelling of perfectly logical words looking like some kind of phonetic vomit.

4 hours of class to go on Tuesday and that'll be it for another 9 weeks.

On a side note Blog 7 was my best post with only one error, the others weren't as impressive.

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Blog 11 The penultimate blog

What a wonderful day.

There is weather outside I'm inside and except for a final check I have finished the final assessment. Brendan and I have been working hard over the last few weeks to get these projects to a close. I wasn’t easy with "minor" computer issues such as some of the Macs not playing sounds in director and the problem with the numerical keypad not working all at the same time the project is done.

I have sounds that work on rollovers, backing tracks and I am happy with my achievements.

On a slightly sad not Tash and Kim failed to turn up to hand in their projects so I still don’t know what they have planned. Brendan made his basketball game, I had my city/ room greyscale thingy and Florian's was something like a photo gallery that worked as a series of rollovers, form what I seen if he had a little more time to work on it and refine a few little things it would be an incredible piece. Alke's blog talked about reverse evolution, from what I seen of her work she had Superman and from what I could tell something like a fingerprint or the lines of an old $20 note. I'd like another look at the fingerprint thing, maybe even blow it up to a big display size and print it off. I mean blow it up without gun powder or anything else like that, which turns big things into little things with a loud bang.

Lightwave semester 2 it is a 3D animation program, I haven’t 3D'd in a computer for many years (maybe 6) I think it was studio max and I wasn’t too fond of that program but to meet the ends of the criteria I'll tolerate most minor issues like not liking the types of computers or not being able to use Photoshop because painter is better. Actually once I got to the other side I didn’t mind the painter program and well Macs are Macs. I'm waiting for the chance to melt them down and feed them to something else. Like a Mac-nivore.

Yeah a Mac-nivore is a rare creature that only eats Macs and it is highly at risk of being killed for its high quality plastic fur and big headlight eyes.

Well I'm tired and at the limit of BS this side of lunch so I'll wrap this up, just not with a bow and paper. See you next week in Blog 12 unless I add some kind of minor post before then.

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Blog 10 Almost done

Welcome one and all,

Judging by the comments it is just welcome one*.

Today was quite entertaining and I made a great deal of progress I finally got the timing right on the exit of the window and the introduction to the interactive section.

All that needs doing now is the display case and the addition of sounds. Brendan is doing some very interesting things to his little basketball. I have no idea what Tash or Kim are doing* they seem to have a great time in class but most of that time is away from the Macs. There could be a link.

As for my own work I am sure I have enough to meet the minimum requirements for interactivity am fairly happy with what I have got but I there is something missing, most of the screen is full of roll overs of some description. But I want to add something special that will make my work stand out, above and beyond everyone else’s work. I'll keep thinking about it in the rear section of my brain while I let the front section deal with the more pressing issues.

I was pleased to hear the positive feed back on my work and my choice to work mostly in the grey scale. I myself am happy with the way the limitation of colours has tied my work together. Usually I have a hard time getting a theme I can work consistently on and that is acceptable for the teaching staff.

With only 4 hours of actual class time remaining the pressure is on to get the work finished, I am looking forward to seeing the final products on all the works.

Well until the next update I off again

*true at time of post

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Blog 9 Towards the goal

I started early today on my final assessment, I am quite enjoying the work in the grey scale, although it does get a little tricky when trying to animate in layers to keep the colours different form the colours on the surrounding layers when there is about 8 or 9 shades of grey to use before they are too close to black to be practical or too close to white to be useful on the white back ground.

My idea has changed slightly instead of anvils and colour explosions I'm having my city scape as part of an opening animation that takes the viewer in through a window to an undecided space where the audience will be able to interact with the work.

I don’t have any issues, thoughts or opinions I want to force/ push/ share with this work, I am just happy working and making just for the sake of making art. I suppose the main reason is because of the assessable task.

It is a free choice piece and must use as many of the skills picked up in class to create an art work that needs then to be professionally package as a final product. At the moment I am thinking I might take a few screen grabs and design something out of the captured images in the way of a CD/ DVD inner slip cover thingy.

I am quite pleased with how the blinds turned out, it was quite tedious work using the built in paint program to make these flat shapes but this kind of work is the same reason I like working in Flash. Partly play and always working towards my own goals.

Well I am talking in geometrical shapes again mostly circles so I think this as good a time as any to clear off.

Until the next post... stay away form my Tasty Toobs
In fact just stay away form all my snack foods until I am willing to share.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Blog 8 Final project

Well today was all self assigned work in the build up and completion of our final works.

The first idea I could come up with is toothpaste. I was thinking the kind with the 3 stripes red white and blue.
Later I decided to add an anvil to squash the toothpaste tube and send minty mess everywhere.

Right now I have neither I've got a greyscale "city" scape the rises out of the bottom of the screen and clouds that roll in form the sides. Right now I plan on having the clouds rain an anvil and animate the drop on to the toothpaste and add colour form there as the interactive feature.

If I make the toothpaste colours blue orange and white I can justify the work as some kind of limited pallet further adding to the main theme and make decorating the final CD and case a lot more manageable. Coloured stripes with some text are what I have in mind at the moment.

I spent some of today helping Brendan he is quite enthusiastic about making some kind of work about a basketball. If we can bridge the gap between his ideas and our abilities in a timely and effective manor we should have some fantastic works.

I got the results for my first assignment and I am pleased and I know what areas to work on for this final one to hopefully bring my score up to a HD.

The main parts are making the final piece look more finished, jagged edges and that sort of thing and my buttons need some special care also. I'll have to watch the sound I was unlucky that it didn’t work last time due to technical issues but it wont be an excuse this time.

Well I'm off to do things away from this paperweight with blinking lights and speakers.

Blog 7.2 Edit button

Today I learned of the most fantastic function this site has to offer the "little pencil button" that lives at the bottom of the posts.

I deleted all the extra copies of my Blog 7 Technology.

I'll have a new post up later today... probably unless something happens and I get side tracked.