Tuesday 23 October 2007

Lightwave 12

This post marks the end of a lot of things, the end of the final assignment, the probable end of this blog and the end of uni.

Well not quite the end of university but near enough to it.

Today went smoothly enough until it came time for the final animation. I had arranged everything the way I wanted in the Lightwave program with the lighting and the motions of the camera just right and all that business.

I set the program to render an export it as a QuickTime .mov file and the program does it's little show where everything slows down to a crawl because some or all of the system resources are being used.

When it finished which took almost 20 minuets I opened the folder to where the movie should have been and there was a file that had the file name but there was no images whent he file was played.

After another 2 attempts one of which Stuart checked and recommended a few minor changes to the current set up I had my final animation rendered out as 1200 .jpg.

By this time class was over so I burnt off what I had only to learn that what I had done was very, very big.

I left off some of the less important information and burnt off to 3 CD's 2 of which Stuart gave me the work. I even found trouble there though because the last video I had was 1.4 Mb too big to fit on to the CD's. After a run through the zip program it fitted nicely at just under a 100Mb.

In closing I'd like to say thank you to Brendan for being there to look at my work and share an opinion and to Stuart for those off the jokes and views on life and just for doing what a teacher does best.


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